PRESENT: Mayor Council: Riley Bradham, Henry Holst, Tammy Bazzle, Whit Smith and Town Clerk Colleen Key.
ABSENT: Frank Thornhill,
Meeting called to order at 7:00
Others Present: Chip Linton
No changes to the agenda. No time requested.
Mayor motions to approve prior Meeting Minutes. Seconded by Henry Holst. Unanimously approved.
FINANCIAL REPORT as of 2/29/2024
PREVIOUS Ending $ CURRENT Ending $
Wells Fargo Checking $103, 130.96 $104,361.64
S.C. Local Government Investment Pool $310,243.92 $311,616.27
NOTE: A virtual $10,000 is held aside for disaster clean up
Roads YTD- $8750
PO Box fee due – $100.00 for year
Brittingham/Audit Invoice – $4900.00
2 Invoices from CDH for tree and road work – $650 and $1500
- Planning: No one reporting.
- BZA: No one reporting.
- Code Enforcement: No one reporting
- DRB: Chip Linton – No report
- WILPC: Henry Holst – No report
Old Business:
Discussion continues regarding Marina Road landscaping company commercial activity and the need for Commercial Ordinance prohibiting commercial activities that disturbs the peace during certain hours, but that does not offset work in such a way that ends up costing residents more money. Potentially allowing for a full day of work 8-9 hours. Town will use City and County Ordinances as templates. Mayor to share those ordinances with council to review. Specifically, regarding Abbapoola Landscape/Marina Rd., the Town does have the authority to prohibit/ regulate commercial use of property that is zoned residential as stated in the UDO, which was also confirmed by Charleston County. Code enforcement has spoken to the individuals who are alleged to have violated Town code. To date the commercial activity is ongoing. Code enforcement to follow up. Mayor points out that part of the bigger issue here is a precedent that may be set by allowing commercial activity to continue in that then any resident could set up any type of commercial business. Henry Holst points out that similarly, the UDO does not allow for a resident to set up an automobile repair shop. Tammy Bazzle notes that from the perspective of the aforementioned business owners, they wonder why now, as this activity has been going on for 3 years. Mayor suggests recent DHEC regulations may be part of the new interest in the commercial activity in this situation, particularly the trash burning. Tammy mentions that the company seems to now NOT meet at the Marina Road location and the burning has stopped.
New Business:
Preston Wilson would like to build a small home on his property for his special needs daughter and has submitted plans for this structure, but there is an offset issue. Currently the UDO states that a building like this is prohibited from being within 50 feet of the property line. Mr. Wilson has petitioned the BZA for a variance because ideally the best spot for the house, that would not affect a grand tree, would be within offset limitations. New house potentially to be located between current home and Rockland Ave and will be about 569 sq ft.
The Smiths would like to build a small pool adjacent to the lane between the Church and their home which is a permitted structure, so plans have been submitted to the County. Once vetted by the County, the plans will be reviewed by DRB.
Chip Linton submits a written summary of public health issues with landscaping noise/gas leaf blowers, and specifically the continuation and persistence of the activity. Please see attached. Of note, the Commercial Noise Ordinance will address times, decibel levels and longevity with regard to commercial activity.
Mayor motioned to adjourn at 7:28 Seconded by Tammy Bazzle.