Providing for the reduction of the Town of Rockville Board of Zoning and Appeals from five member to three
Date: Monday September 16, 2019
Time: 7:00 PM Public Hearing
Location: Rockville Presbyterian Church Basement
2479 Sea Island Yacht Club Road, Rockville, SC 29487
Pursuant to Section 6-1-80 of the S.C. Code of Law, public notice is hereby given that the Council for the Town of Rockville will hold a public hearing and first reading on the Town of Rockville Reduction of the Board of Zoning and Appeals from Five Members to Three Members
The Town of Rockville submits the following for public review:
Reduction of the Board of Zoning and Appeals from Five Members to Three Members
1stReading: 7:15 PM September 16, 2019 Town Council Meeting.
Reduction of the Board of Zoning and Appeals from Five Members to Three Members
Details available. Contact the Town of Rockville at